Last week I attended the SBC Barcelona ceremony, a yearly event from the Social Business City Barcelona where guests from different organizations talk about their work with social businesses.

Professor Muhammad Yunus was invited to the conference. He is the reason I attended the event and one of my greatest inspirors, I enjoyed his contributions to the debate and speeches, but there is another guest who was, for me, even more pleasant to hear: Cristóbal Colón.

The debate

Colón (second by the left) is known for being the founder and president of La Fageda. With Yunus (in the middle), they made a great couple and entirely dominated the debate. Where Yunus was more moderate, Colón dared to harshly criticize the economic system and the people at the top of it.

I really enjoyed some of the local contributions too, like the presentation about Espigoladors, a social company trying to reduce food waste.

One final note, I learned about a presentation format named PechaKucha, where you show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically and you talk along to the images.

The signature

I took the book Creating a world without poverty to the event, hoping that his author was able to sign it. At the end of the event many people wanted to take a picture with the Nobel prize winner and it was difficult to reach him, but I was able to handle the book to one of the organizers and he asked Yunnus to sign it. Yunnus checked the book, smiled, and wrote his signature and the date on the page that I wanted.

Yunus' signature

To all those who want to create a world in which not a single person is poor. ~ Prof. Muhammad Yunus

I felt really happy, and took the book to Eugenio, his owner and the one who introduced me to Yunus and social businesses.

The trophy